A full service repair company
AmeriMed offers 25% to 45% savings on service!Welcome to American Medical Maintenance a full service repair company, we service what they sell! Service is paramount to any professional practice and AmeriMed understands the professional’s need for value. From the dental practice to the veterinary practice, our service is geared with the professional in mind, our work is guaranteed, and our products are the best on the market. With 23 years combined experience in the dental, veterinary and medical industries; our friendly manufacturer trained technicians and sales team can help!
Honest - Dependable - Certified Service Call: 520.909.8654AmeriMed provides value to the Veterinary practice!With the growing needs of today's modern veterinary practice equipment is paramount. AmeriMed understands that need. We can provide maintenance and repair for all your vital equipment needs; from autoclave to X-ray we are here to help. If your equipment is not serving you, then you should be calling us. Learn more
AmeriMed provides value to dental practices!AmeriMed understands the needs of the modern day dental practice. On-site dental equipment repair services keeps your practice going. Our manufacturer trained technicians deliver personalized, local services, who are familiar with your practice’s equipment and its special requirements.
AmeriMed rapid-response emergency service keeps all your equipment up and running. We keep it simple—only one number to call, one billing statement and, most importantly, one consistent standard of excellence. AmeriMed provides value to the medical practice!AmeriMed understands the needs of the modern- day medical practice. Your
equipment needs to keep operating. AmeriMed offers repair service for tables and chairs from most major manufacturers at an affordable cost and value. If your equipment is not serving you, then you should be calling us. Learn more AmeriMed partners with Archer Dental![]() Archer Dental Equipment sells top of the line equipment for the dental practice.
AmeriMed will work in conjunction with equipment specialist to ensure every job goes as planned, providing attention to detail. Archer & White promotes no sales tax for sales out side of Texas. Mention you found it here! Learn more AmeriMed promotes sterility assurance!![]() Your sterility process is vital to you practice; we understand the importance of testing. AmeriMed partners with Autoclave Testing Services to offer you the best choice for monitoring. Mention you found it here!
AmeriMed partners with Dental Planet![]() BuyDentalEquipment.com offers the best refurbished dental equipment in the market. AmeriMed partners with buydentalequipment.com as a service provider and on site coordinator.
AmeriMed partners with HagerWorldWide!![]() Refurbished, new vacuum pumps and compressors.
AmeriMed offers true value: Free loaner program!
If your practice needs a sterilizer because yours is broken, we will loan you one of ours while we repair yours.
AmeriMed understands that your sterilization process is vital to your practice. If your sterilizer fails to perform, jeopardizing the sterility of your instruments, we can help. AmeriMed can repair on site or remove for bench repair, providing a loaner to insure your sterility process. “We are your sterilization specialist" Quarterly Special, table top sterilizer PPM Priced so low we cain't advertise! Pick up and delivery Clean reservoirs Clean chamber Clean racks and trays Detail clean outside cover Amp/volt test Test to MFG spects Calibrate Replace PPM parts Validation, AAMI st79 standard PPM parts extra Sterilizer repair Service![]() 520.909.8654
AmeriMed's Express PPM autoclave ServiceAmeriMed can schedule at your convenience routine PPM maintenance at your location, no loaner needed. and in a short time your sterilizer will be clean running and validated for sterility! Learn more
AmeriMed offers DI water!Most autoclave sterilizer's rely on pure water to operate properaly, with out this water your unit is at risk. AmeriMed's free water cost analysis can determin your need. Learn more
AmeriMed offers Planned Preventative MaintenanceAmerican Medical Maintenance understands the need to keep your equipment running
and a PPM will do just that. We offer the most comprehensive money saving service in the market. Learn more AmeriMed offers veterinary equipment sales!AmeriMed's special market offers quality dental equipment for the veterinary practice.
AmeriMed sells great water!![]() A Guide to Compliance with OSHA Standards![]() Important facts from the CDC![]() AmeriMed promotes AVMF![]() |